CLUE #12
The jig is up, we’re at the end.
Thanks for coming on this journey, my friend.
Remembering family is the ultimate reward.
But now to the treasure, and where it is stored.
Off Lexington Avenue in Como Park
Where Nausbaumer intersects, make a mark.
Then turn to the drive that leads uphill.
(It’s an unmapped street, but it’s there, still.)
(If you meet Hamm Falls you’ve gone too far.
Turn ‘round, drive uphill, or park the car.)
Atop the hill are colored tables.
Look for two blues to complete our fable.
A metal tube stands by this pair
Thrust in the ground, in open air.
Atop the shaft, a hollow recess.
Covered with acorns to reduce the mess.
Under these nuts, a wooden disk.
Congratulations, you’ve found it! Now, no more risks.