HuntForTheHoard CLUE #1 Something up my sleeve? Follow and find something good. In this city of Maplewood. Come and search when you believe.
HuntForTheHoard CLUE #2 Each year before you follow the lore. New treasure awaits along side of shore. Go in search with a dragons clever guile. Expect upon discovery an ear to ear smile.
HuntForTheHoard CLUE #3 Wait not for the end to know what to do. Have a good walk enjoy shadow dragon view. I won't be leaving scattered pages on the ground. That doesn't mean there isn't anything else to be found.
HuntForTheHoard CLUE #4 Stories of legends and long ago fights. Find the hidden route. In then out. Calling out to you north of the lights.
HuntForTheHoard CLUE #5 Languish not it won't be a bummer. Over the long dragon summer. Courtly meals near blood that heals. Kneel upon endowment, receive your crafted garment.
HuntForTheHoard CLUE #6 Mixed emotions on your current road? Crack the dragons code to win the mother load. Collections of wisdom there for free. A bell tolls for thee like the aged gent in the sea.