BoreasRex Clue #1 The first treasure clue Is for one and for all. You've got to believe It's here in St. Paul.
BoreasRex Clue #2 The object that holds the treasure you seek Once gave a nice warm feeling. And there are some trees; that's all we can say. We can't be too revealing.
BoreasRex Clue #4 If you're to be led to the treasure scene, Think of something ever green. There are objects round and objects square, Finding them can lead you there.
BoreasRex Clue #5 A water source in front of you, A couple more in back. Ponder this as you look around It'll keep you right on track.
BoreasRex Clue #6 If you're to find The right St. Paul park, Look for something That's large and dark.
BoreasRex Clue #7 You'll see things that reach for the sky, And others that reach for the land. This can help you in your search, So keep this clue on hand.
BoreasRex Clue #8 What's more precious Than the treasure of a king? You'll be a rich hunter When you find the real thing.
BoreasRex Clue #9 Just beyond the treasure site, There's a slope that's very steep. All you have to think of now, Is a certain kind of Jeep.
BoreasRex Clue #10 With instincts of a hunter And care near a gorge You'll use all your skills To find it, by George!
BoreasRex Clue #11 We won't keep you In the dark. The treasure is hidden In Cherokee Park. Between two streets Named George and King, You're sure to find That elusive thing.