BoreasRex Clue #3 Its top is adorned in the summer And you can often see it there. But along comes a cold, cold winter And it's very, very bare.
BoreasRex Clue #5 There are places to sit, And places to rest. The treasure is waiting For the one who looks best.
BoreasRex Clue #7 Now you see it, Now you don't. Even if you ignore this clue, Other searchers won't.
BoreasRex Clue #10 Here's a clue That could turn the trick. Our "well-known singer" Has a son named Rick.
BoreasRex Clue #11 Frozen in an icy ball Is the treasure you seek. So look for something kinda round, Near moving water, not a creek.
BoreasRex Clue #12 Harriet Island is the place, But not on a grassy knoll. The place for you to really look Is midway between road and flagpole.